Our Girls’ Basketball team will have their end-of-season Pizza Party after school today.
Tickets and money for our upcoming Dan’s Fish Fry should be turned in by now. We look forward to seeing all of our families at the K of C Hall (3600 West Purdue Avenue, just north of BSU campus) this Friday evening. Tickets will be sold at the door.
If you can volunteer to help before, during or after the Fish Fry, please contact Bryan Fortreide at [email protected] or 765-729-2396. We need people to bread the fish, wait tables, and clean up after the dinner.
Our ISTEP+ Part 1 testing went very well. We’ll take ISTEP+ Part 2 between April 18 and April 28.
Our third graders will take the IREAD 3 test next week on Tuesday.
Yearbook order forms are due Thursday, March 16. If you have not already done so, please send $12 per book. Teachers will pass out another flyer this Friday if you need it again.
On Saint Patrick’s Day (next Friday, last day before Spring Break), we are doing a BONUS CASUAL DAY. We ask that each student bring in one pack of baby wipes to benefit Project Gabriel, a program that helps local mothers in need. Also, hats will be allowed as long as they are mostly green!
Our Spring Break is March 20-24.
The next PTO Meeting will be April 5, 6:00 pm at school.
We are planning a field trip to the Indianapolis Children’s Museum on Thursday, April 13. Look for more details in the coming weeks.
There was a very good response to my appeal for a volunteer track coach. I’ll be in contact with those who offered their services soon.
Now that we are in March, students may wear shorts to school for the remainder of the school year.