If you are interested in having your child(ren) participate in 4-H, you may want to attend an Open House at the Purdue Extension Office, 100 West Main Street (Room 202), tomorrow. The Open House will last from after school until 6:00 pm. If you cannot attend this Open House, there will be another one on January 9, 2018.
Movie Night is this Friday, 5:00PM-7:00PM. Blue registration sheets should be turned in by Friday at 9:00AM. We are serving nachos and showing Arthur Christmas (PG).
Shop with Scrip Order Forms and payments are due on Monday, December 4, at 10:00AM. We are now selling Pizza King gift cards in $5 denominations! If you wish to order these, write “Pizza King” on the order form and state how many cards you would like. Starting in January, Pizza King will be on the order form each month. Our school will receive 100% PROFIT on all Pizza King cards sold!
Mass next week will be Friday, December 8, due to the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. We will take the 9:18AM MITS bus to school, not the 8:48AM bus.
We are having a problem with transportation after Mass. The MITS bus seats around 30 people, so with 56 students we depend on parent/guardians to drive. Lately we have had very few drivers. The bus is crowded and some students have to stand. Please make every effort to drive from Church to school. If you’re not already listed as a Volunteer Driver, you can always drive your own child(ren). We typically leave Church at 8:45AM (except on Holy Days like next Friday).
We are doing a Christmas Canned Food Drive to benefit the Saint Lawrence Church Food Pantry. There will be three teams (Mrs. Brinson, Mr. Robbins, and Mrs. McKinley/Miss Smith). The team with the most items will win a Christmas Party on December 20. Students can start donating items now, the last day to donate is December 20. Questions can be directed to Mrs. Cope.
Thank you for participating in Camp Kessem Hat Day We raised $100!