All members of the SLCS family are invited to the Christian Unity Prayer Service TODAY at Saint Lawrence Church. The program will feature clergy and church members from a wide range of Christian churches in Muncie. There will be scripture reading and a sermon, along with music provided by our own SLCS choir. The event will begin at 12:00 noon and last one hour, followed by lunch at Harvest Soup Kitchen (adjacent to church).
The final Uniform Committee meeting will be TONIGHT. We will put the finishing touches on the policy changes for 2017-2018. The meeting will begin at 6:30 (not 6:00) in the school cafeteria.
Our Literary Fair is TOMORROW, January 26. Parents and family members are encouraged to attend the event in our Media Center. The Fair will begin at 8:15 am and last about an hour. Please join us, the children love to show off their work to parents and family! You can park, bring your child in to school, attend Morning Gathering, then head to the fair (and be out of here by 9:00 or so).
Casual Dress Day is this Friday. Students are asked to contribute three or more boxes of macaroni and cheese to help the Saint Lawrence Church Emergency Food Pantry.
All SLCS students, Catholic and non-Catholic, are asked to attend the 4:30 pm mass on SATURDAY, January 28, at Saint Lawrence Church as we kick off Catholic Schools Week. Formal dress with ties, please. Parents and family members are welcome to attend, the mass will conclude by 5:30 pm. Many members of our parish are very supportive of our school, both through prayer and financially. They love seeing our students! Please make every effort to attend. Students will sit up front, parents will sit in the pews behind the students.
Next week, we will travel out of the building three times. We’ll go to Saint Mary School on Monday and Wednesday, and Liberty Bowl on Thursday. We have arranged for the MITS bus to take us to Saint Mary, but we’ll need quite a few parent drivers to take everyone to Liberty Bowl on Thursday. If you can drive, please contact your child’s teacher.
Next Wednesday, all students will eat a lunch provided at Saint Mary. Students have chosen between tacos and hot dogs. Please DO NOT pack a lunch for your child on this day, Saint Mary plans to feed everyone for free.
On our school calendar, Saturday, April 29, was listed as the date for an auction at the Knights of Columbus Hall. We have decided to forego this event for this school year, but hope to have a large scale auction during the 2017-2018 school year.